Friday, February 13, 2009

Scientists Discover 3,000-Pound Gigantoraptor Dinosaur in Mongolia

hinese scientists have uncovered the remains of a gigantic, surprisingly birdlike, dinosaur in Inner Mongolia, China. And by gigantic they mean 3,000 pounds.
The scientists were surprised by its size because most assume that as dinosaurs got more birdlike, they got smaller.
It's 35 times heavier than similar feathered dinosaurs, which rarely exceeded a body mass of 90 pounds.
Xing Xu and his colleagues at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing describe the dinosaur in this week’s issue of Nature:
"A histological analysis suggests that Gigantoraptor gained this size by a growth rate considerably faster than large North American tyrannosaurs such as Albertosaurus and Gorgosaurus." Check out an image showing its bone growth after the